Zune HD :D

The very first MP3 player I ever owned was an iPod Nano and it was given to me by my parents for Christmas. They were tired of me always carrying around my big CD player every time I went out. Truth be told, I loved that CD player but it was really ugly and embarrassing. The iPod was used and had a few scratches here and there but I really didn’t care. I held onto that little guy tighter than a weave on Tyra’s head…well, before she decided to go ‘natural.’  Mmmm hmmm. Anyways, after a while of having the Nano I decided it was time for an upgrade and went to a friend of the family’s who repaired and resold electronic devices. Luckily, he had a new Zune and was ready to sell it. As soon as I heard this I jumped on the over and shelled out $200 to buy it from him. It was a pretty good deal, I think. It worked fine, the  interface was smooth and clean (just how I like it) and it was really easy to use. I’m talking about the 1st gen Zune so, of course, it could’ve been a little better when it came to function and playback features but good nonetheless. But, as you can probably guess, I didn’t stick with the Zune because later the iPod Touch hit the shelves and I, like the rest of the Apple fan boys ran to the store to pick one up. It was the best decision I think I’ve ever made that cost me about $500 (tax, insurance, memory, etc…) It was my early Christmas present so I decided to splurge on myself. Why not? Till this day I hold my iTouch close to my heart…until I heard news of a new Zune hitting the stores.

Back when I first heard news of a new Zune appearing was when everything was merely gossip on the blogs. Several pictures surfaced of what was a supposed prototype for the new model. Everything from a built in speaker to a camera able to record and download video as well as pictures and even wi-fi. Although some of these features were indeed features in an actual prototype, the one feature they had in common was a hefty touch screen that replaced the usual track pad and buttons. It wasnt until a short video showing leaked-still-shots of a possible Zune commercial that the actual design made waves.

I instantly fell in love. The overall adjustments looked so sleek and beautiful but I was still sort of apprehensive when it came to the functions of the device. Sure it was aesthetically amazing but how would it hold up against the iPod Touch? One thing was for sure. Microsoft were definitely trying to give Apple a run for their money with this upgraded Zune but then again, the iTouch was and is a huge advancement of technology and what its capable of. We’re beginning to see more and more copycats out there but none are taken as seriously as the new Zune HD. One thing that the iPod and iPhone didn’t and still don’t have (yet) is the capability to play 720p video through its HDMI dock that can easily be used with an HDTV. Along with minor features that Apple failed to apply to their iPods/iPhones, the Zune HD is also thinner and uses an extremely sleek and smooth interface along with XM/FM/AM radio playback already installed. It’s also taken some tips from Apple and added Wi-Fi and web browsing as well as online store accessible through the Zune device and blossoming collection of apps including Twitter and Facebook.

Zune HD with engraved design by Junichi Tsuneoka.

I’d love nothing more than to get my grubby little hands on this Zune and slap it round while I make it my bitch, but, at $200 ($219 from the Microsoft and Zune place store) I wont be getting to play with it anytime soon. Thats the life of a broke ass college kid. Before actually going out to purchase it, I want to give it a test drive to see if it’s worth the money even though it is a bit cheaper than the 16gb iPod ($17 cheaper, I think)

Design by Junichi Tsuneoka.

So, all this being said, anyone out there own a Zune HD and want to tell me if it’s worth going after or should I stick to my iPod Touch? Leave a comment and let me know what you have to say. Even if you don’t own one but want to comment on what you think it better. iPod Touch or Zune HD? Will this be the official iKiller?

For more info on the Zune HD visit the Zune website.

*Photos courtesy of Stubborn Sideburn.

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